The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31454   Message #409114
Posted By: katlaughing
01-Mar-01 - 07:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: PMS Horror Stories
Subject: RE: BS: PMS Horror Stories
Well, Mets, me to, except for the garbage bit and my likening for chocolate has never swayed. Like you, even before I was spayed I never had problems with it. Menopause was pretty much a piece of cake, too, although I did use the herbs mentioned above for about a year.

I do think that if wimmin were allowed the time for their moon cylces, to go within, to be in solitude (if they wanted), etc. it would much more of a natural thing and not as tough to go through. Of course wimmin in the "olden" days didn't often get time off for it, but in certain tribal societies they did and also in the upper classes, as someone mentioned above, i.e. "the vapours" etc.

Susan Weed, in her book Childbearing Years: the Wise Womon Way, talks about the need to honour wimmin's moon cycles and need for nurturing, alone time, etc. She takes a look at it from positive aspects, as well as use of herbs for hormonal balance, etc. Also, Brooke Medicine Eagle has a wonderful tape out for young girls to learn about their moontime and how to cope in a loving, nurturing and positive way.

In general our modern society does not allow for this; I guess it's all part of that SuperWomaon thing, where we are supposed to be all things to ourselves and others. Personally, I think that sucks much more than any PMS.

I also do not like the negative connotations it has taken on, with the general public seeming to use it as a derogatory comment on a womon's beahviour, demeanour, etc.
