The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4093368
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
16-Feb-21 - 07:19 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Rise Up Mudcat Songbook - Australia
DESTITUTION ROAD by Alistair Hulett


    In the Year Of The Sheep and the burnin’ time
    They cut our young men in their prime
    The old Scots way was a hangin’ crime
    For the Gaels of Caledonia
    There’s a den for the fox, a hedge for the hare
    A nest in the tree for the birds of the air
    But in a’ Scotland there’s no place there for the Gaels of Caledonia

    But there’s no use getting’ frantic
    It’s time tae hump yer load
    Across the wild Atlantic
    On the Destitution Road

    The bailiff came wi’ the writ and a’
    And the gallant lads of the Forty Twa
    They drove ye oot in the sleet and snaw
    The Gaels of Caledonia
    When yer house was burned and yer crops as well
    Ye stood and wept in the blackened shell
    And the winter moor was a living hell
    For the Gaels of Caledonia

    The plague and the famine they dragged ye doon
    As ye made yer way tae Glesga toon
    Where ye’d heard o’ a ship that was sailin’ soon
    For the shores of Nova Scotia
    And ye sold yer gear, ye paid yer fare
    Wi’ yer heid held high though yer heart was sair
    And ye bid farewell forever mair
    Tae the glens of Caledonia

    The land was cleared and the deal was made
    Noo an English lord in a tartan plaid
    He struts and stares as the memories fade
    Of the Gaels of Caledonia
    And he hunts the deer in the lonely glen
    That once was home to a thousand men
    And the wind on the moor sings a sad refrain
    For the Gaels of Caledonia


    Many thanks to Alistair Hulett for permission to add this song to the Union Songs collection.

    Alistair writes:
    The time in Scotland known as the Highland Clearances was a government led assault on the non-English speaking tribal societies - the clansfolk, that had existed there for countless centuries. From it’s inception in 1792, when it was called in Gaelic by its victims Bliadhna nan Caorach, meaning The Year Of the Sheep, till it finally ended nearly eighty years later, this was a period of incredible violence and cruelty carried out in the name of modernisation.
    Wool was seen by the clan chiefs as a better source of profit than rent, and the government agreed. Many sold their lands to southern capitalist farmers while others carried out the clearings themselves. In all cases the military gave assistance in what amounted to a programme of ‘ethnic cleansing’.

    Hard on the heels of The Year of the Sheep came The Year of the Burnings, when any hope of return was put to the torch and destroyed. Capitalist farming methods and the introduction of sheep to the glens gave rise a process of physical and cultural genocide that has left the Scottish Highlands barren of its human population to this day. The passage out of the Highlands in those times was known as The Destitution Road.