The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169431   Message #4094788
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
25-Feb-21 - 10:00 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Another puzzle, Sharp Collection
Subject: Tune Add: Eyes like sloes
Same source, but I could only see the one verse.
Copied here with slight differences to Steve's post.
Line 2, "rose" not "roses", it rhymes better with "sloes".
Addition of "(babies)" in fourth line.
Tune also added. This can be seen/printed/played by copying from "X:1" to "eyes" into an ABC converter such as the one here:

Collected Cecil Sharp (1906)

His eyes were black, were black as any sloes.
His cheeks were like, were like the blooming rose.
His voice did sound as clearly as the violets in bloom.
We got diamonds (babies) in each other's eyes.

X: 1
T:Eyes like sloes
S: Unprintable Ozark Folksongs
Z: NP 25 Feb 2021
F| GEcB| AEGF| D3F| GEc3/2 B/| AG (E/F/) G| A3A| DFFG| A2B d/d/| cAGE| F2A3/ A/|d2 (cA)| d2 (cA)| cBGE| D3||
w: His eyes were black, were black as an-y sloes. His cheeks were like, were like the bloom-_ing rose. His voice did sound as clear-ly as the vi-o-lets in bloom, We got dia-monds_ (ba-bies)_ in each oth-er's eyes.