The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4095957
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
04-Mar-21 - 03:19 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Mudcat Australia/NZ Songbook
find no. 3 -

DENGATE UPSHIFT © John Warner, July 2018 - Tune Spanish Ladies/ Brisbane Ladies/Augathella station


Note - This song is a parody of a parody. The late, great John Dengate wrote a superbly wicked set of words about Joe Bjelke Petersen, once a very corrupt premier of Queensland. The first line is John’s and I have tried to use his style and structure as a memorial of a splendid political satirist.

Farewell and adieu to the premier of Queensland,
Give it up, Anastasia, and get on the bus,
If you’re wining and dining with Carmichael mining,
And selling the farm off you’re no use to us.

We’ve ranted and roared at that greedy Adani
Ranted and roared till we’re blue in the face,
But all you hear, Honey, is the sound of his money,
For an ALP leader you‘re a shame and disgrace

By cute misdirection you won the election,
You said that Carmichael would not go ahead,
Then you were in power just barely an hour,
And promptly inverted the words that you said.
CHORUS - We’ve ranted and roared at that greedy Adani

You Galilee gargoyle, stop financing snake oil,
You Belyando baggage, you Tangorin twit,
Tell that hairy Gujarati you’re leaving his party
You devious, dispicable, coal funding person….
CHORUS - We’ve ranted and roared at that greedy Adani

What? Ten thousand jobs from that vote buying mob?
Adani’s in debt with his back to the wall,
With every new spokesman those jobs are a joke, man,
With Autonomous mining there’s no jobs at all.
CHORUS - We’ve ranted and roared at that greedy Adani

Come next election will you see defection,
From voters who think that Adani’s a rat?
With the choice between you and the Nationals crew,
When you both back Adani, then what choice is that?
CHORUS - We’ve ranted and roared at that greedy Adani

My dear Anastasia, you couldn’t get crazier,
By selling off Queensland to a known corporate thief,
What sort of solution is toxic pollution
To a bleaching and dying Great Barrier Reef?
CHORUS - We’ve ranted and roared at that greedy Adani

email to Dale Dengate, 17 July 2018

G’day Dale,
                   I bashed this one together for the Stop Adani street campaigns. Since I deliberately used John’s original splendid parody as a model, I thought I’d send it to you. Cripes, he was a witty bloke with a word. There was no way to match that “adjective noun”

Good ‘ealth,

John W

Why we will #StopAdani