The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31454   Message #409616
Posted By: wysiwyg
02-Mar-01 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: PMS Horror Stories
Subject: RE: BS: PMS Horror Stories
Kim, it took me about three months to assimilate what I summarized above. That's why Dr. Northrup's book is so helpful-- small doses, at your own pace, with things relevant to YOU jumping off the page without a lot of distraction. A lot of health food stores are carrying it, and so are large mainstream bookstores like Barnes & Noble.

Sunlight is another factor.

Your body is very, VERY smart, and it's already telling you what it needs, you know... all you need to do is gather a bit of information with which to answer it. (Food cravings are one way of asking, and the book Food and Moodis also excellent for working with, not against, these.) If you want to PM me, maybe we can hear the rest of what your body is saying and asking.

Just keep this much in mind-- it can be MUCH BETTER than how it has been.
