The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169175   Message #4096607
Posted By: Steve Shaw
08-Mar-21 - 05:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Joke Thread for 2021
Subject: RE: BS: Joke Thread for 2021
Two boys were sitting in church waiting for confession. One goes into the confessional:

'Father, it has been four months since my last confession...I was with a girl last week...and well, we started kissing and stuff and, well, we went a bit too far..."

"And what was this girl's name, my son?"

"I didn't even ask her, Father!"

"Well I've heard about some of the loose girls round here...Was it Mary?"

"I don't know, Father..."

Was it Alice?"

"Doesn't ring a bell, Father..."


"Don't think so, Father..."

Anyway, the lad was sentenced to three Hail Marys and went back to his mate waiting in the pew.

His mate asked, "Good confession, was it?"

"Yeah, brilliant - and I got three names..."