The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169506   Message #4097203
Posted By: rich-joy
11-Mar-21 - 05:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: OPRAH with Meghan & Harry
Subject: RE: BS: OPRAH with Meghan & Harry
As a Colonial from Down Under, I have had only a mild interest in the Royal Family, and their occasional scandals, just make for some amusement. However, I did feel that the introduction of Ms Markle (Foreigner, Divorcee, Person of Colour, Commoner) into the Family would be, in the long run, a Very Good Thing for helping to drag the monarchy into the modern world and to adjust to it. So, I watched That Interview, and like Steve, thought Megs came over quite well.

Then I started watching News clips and YouTube clips to gauge reaction and was interested to find that I was left wondering if we had all watched the same Interview!!??    Yes, "Context is Everything"!
I rather think that those who only saw the advertising and news clips, came away with a different perspective (surprise surprise :) and reacted to just what the mischief-makers amongst the media, wanted.
(I come from the country that gave the world Rupert Murdoch - and yes, we're really very sorry about that :(

As Meghan & Harry - and a great many others - have tried to point out, the tabloids that so many of the population are addicted to, have no interest in the concept of Truthfulness.    Down Under, we have a huge market in what are sadly termed "women's magazines", which are our version of British tabloid newspaper fiction and which keep pumping out the gossip and falsehoods - but it would seem huge numbers of people actually believe their content ……… and keep buying them.

If I watch a YT clip, I tend to also browse many of the Comments which, I find, can be very instructive!    In this case, re most of the clips that I saw reporting the M-H Interview, I was then astounded - and completely appalled - at the quantity and level of Vitriol - Venom - Misogyny - Hate (and Racism too) that was being flung at the couple - but esp at the woman - and in more than a few comments, the view was expressed that "Poor Harry" was just really stupid in allowing himself to be snared by The Evil One.   [BtW, I didn't get the impression that these were just adolescent time-wasting Trolls!]    It's really quite incredible, the amount of BAD things that are attributed to her (and she’s not even made 40 yet!) - sociologists will, I feel, study this phenomenon for years to come!

The Commenters also seem to feel safe in their self-righteous indignation, to use what may even be their real name (at least, it's not often an obvious coverup moniker) and there are probably more female than male - but not exclusively. Of course it's difficult to assess what country they may be from, though some do say "I'm American and I think she's evil too"!! Although, some then bring in the absolutely shocking idea of Meghan being a Woke Democrat, so you know what level of thinking and prejudice is being displayed there!! Certainly any level of compassion or empathy - or tolerance - is rare. And these people so rabidly consumed by it all, are likely Parents too ..........

In the short term, I don't think this Interview has had the results they were perhaps hoping for, as it's brought out even more hatred, but a few years down the track, things could (hopefully) be different.
And maybe that's their job in this lifetime : Agents of Change.

So as a Colonial 'Catter, that's my 2cents worth on the controversy. If I was an avid Conspiracy Follower, I may even contend that there are Dark Forces at work, shaping our dramas and fuelling our distrust of folks who don't look or think the same as us - but that couldn't be true, could it? Coz surely we're not silly enough to allow that kind of manipulation of ourselves ...... are we??!!


"What the World needs now, is Love, sweet Love; It's the only thing that there's just too little of ....."