The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169245   Message #4097391
Posted By: Malcolm Storey
12-Mar-21 - 09:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Birdwatching 2021?
Subject: RE: BS: Birdwatching 2021?
With others regards the peanuts - waste of time even the starlings don't go for them.
Some years ago the people opposite had a mature leylandii in their front garden which was a roost for starlings and we loved to watch them murmuring as we relaxed after dinner.
Those neighbours moved away and the new occupants almost immediately got rid of the tree. We had a couple of evenings of bittersweet pleasure watching the confused flock (well over a 1000 of them) before they realised their digs had gone.
Have noticed recently a small murmuration about 400 yards away so will keep an eye on that.
Glory be - a hedgehog in the garden as I was locking up - by the time I got the camera out he/she had disappeared.
We used to get them regularly at one time as well as toads but they have been scarce of late, as have both slugs which we don't miss and snails which we enjoy.