The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163442   Message #4098051
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
17-Mar-21 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: Armchair Archaeologist (via Google Earth)
Subject: RE: Armchair Archaeologist (via Google Earth)
thanks, stilly

it is so easy to remove stuff - tho sometime stuff gets returned

The Mystery Of The Uluru 'Curse' Take photos but leave the rocks. It's Australia's most famous rock and annually there are 300,000 people who visit the World Heritage listed site.
Sadly, a portion of those visitors feel that they want to take home more than just photos and memories. They "souvenier" a piece of the rock itself. Apart from it being an ethically and environmentally adverse thing to do, there are many who feel that the rocks they take from the rock are cursed.
While there is no curse that the Anangu, the traditional custodians, are aware of, they acknowledge that the removing of rocks from the area is hugely disrespectful to their beliefs and culture. It can also be expensive! Tourists caught trying to take pieces of nature from the national park can face fines of up to $8500 ... (read on & learn about the Sorry Rocks)