The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167618   Message #4099282
Posted By: Donuel
25-Mar-21 - 05:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: New news *not* about the virus
Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
King Tut
Steve Martin, Steep Canyon Rangers

Ted Cruz (Big Bad Cruz)
Now when he was a young man,
He never thought he'd see
People stand in line to get the vaccine.
(King Cruz) How'd you get so funky?
(Funky Cruz) Do you think you're funny?
Born in MexAlberta,
Moved to Texas border (King Cruz).
(King Cruz) I should have known
That he'd run for the border
when Texas had an ice storm
and then blamed it on his daughter. (King Cruz)
He can read Dr. Seuss (Funky Cruz)
He's my favorite honky!
Born in Mex Alberta,
Moved to Texas border (King Cruz)
Dancin' in the Senate, (Disco Cruz)
The ladies love his belly, (Flabby Cruz)
Stonin all the immigrants (Rockin' Cruz)
Doesn't give a shit.
He gave his life for trumpism.
Alberta didn't wantem.

Now, when I die
Don't think I'm bein rude, (King Cruz)
Don't want no fancy funeral
Jus'one like unshaven Cruz. (King Cruz)

He coulda been a hoser, (Ted Cruz)
Instead he is a joker
Born in Mex Alberta, moved to Lone Star border
born in Old Moose Ache, now gotta condo made of cake
Big bad Cruz!