The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169567   Message #4099398
Posted By: Steve Shaw
26-Mar-21 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Census day
Subject: RE: BS: Census day
Not sure about this, but I don't think you can market something as just "fruit juice" if you've added anything to it to sweeten it. You can call it a "fruit juice drink" I think, but the labelling rules are fairly tight. I stand to be corrected on that. But don't run away with the notion that fruit juices are that healthy. Bought orange juice of the Tropicana ilk contains as much sugar as coca-cola. You're much better off eating an orange. At least you get fibre that way and the vitamins therein haven't been mangled by the processing. As for sweeteners, I once bought a packet of sugar-free sweeties from Tesco to scoff on my 90-minute drive home to come. Within half an hour of starting them my stomach was imitating a cement mixer in both churning and noise. Yep, Stevia. Always read the label and avoid Stevia like the plague!