The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31259   Message #409944
Posted By: Smok
02-Mar-01 - 09:14 PM
Thread Name: What song do you want at your funeral?
Subject: RE: What song do you want at your funeral?
Being in the 'biz' I have made note of a lot of the suggestions. I starte my career in death liking 'Amazing Grace' but now, if I hear it one more time, either on the pipes over vocal I will join the recently departed. But, one of the 'best' service I work was at a rural cemetery, on a piney hill, where one of the friends of the dead man started to sing 'Amazing Grace' unannounced. We, the paid mourners, were stunned! It was one of those monent that I will never forget. The rest of gathering slowly joined in this wonderful, and truly heart felt, outpouring. It is great when the family can choose non-traditional music, poetry or sites for the closing of a life/