The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32254   Message #4101159
Posted By: GUEST,#
07-Apr-21 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Five of Us
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Five of Us

Glorious, glorious one keg of beer for the four of us.
Singin' glory be to God that there are no more of us,
'cause one of us could drink it all alone.

Now, the first thing we drank to, we drank to the King.
Glorious, glorious, glorious King.
If he has one son may he also have ten.
Have a whole friggin' army cried the freshmen, amen. . .

Now, the next thing we drank to, we drank to the Queen.
Glorious, glorious, glorious Queen.
If she has one daughter may she also have ten.
Have a whole friggin' harem cried the sophomores, amen. . .

Now, the next thing we drank to, we drank to the Prince.
Glorious, glorious, glorious Prince.
If he has one mistress may he also have ten.
Have a whole friggin' whorehouse cried the juniors, amen. . .

Now, the last thing we drank to, we drank to our beer.
Glorious, glorious, glorious beer.
If we has one keg may we also have ten.
Have a whole friggin' brewery cried the seniors, amen. . .