The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31525   Message #410170
Posted By: black walnut
03-Mar-01 - 09:13 AM
Thread Name: 'Why Bruce (Cockburn) Matters Now'
Subject: 'Why Bruce (COCKBURN) Matters Now'
Big article and pictures this morning about BRUCE COCKBURN in Arts & Entertainment section of The Toronto Star!

Bruce Cockburn will be inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame tomorrow evening at the 30th Annual Juno Awards ('celebrating excellence in Canadian music').

"My models for graceful aging are guys like John Lee Hooker and Mississippi John Hurt, who never stop working till they drop. Eventually time is going to get everyone, but in the meantime, they stay out there, doing their thing -- out of necessity, to a degree...and just getting better as musicians and as human beings." ~ bc

The article states on J1 that Cockburn has 24 albums (30 if you count a few extra pressings). Again on J14, it lists the albums in chart form...24 albums.
Mysteriously missing from this picture is "Dancing in the Dragon's Jaws" (1979).

So, it's 25 albums, folks. And I have'em all...on CD!

~black walnut