The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31454   Message #410188
Posted By: Peg
03-Mar-01 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: PMS Horror Stories
Subject: RE: BS: PMS Horror Stories
Just give me some single malt scotch and a bag of Cape Cod potato chips and no one gets hurt...

Seriously theer wa sa great book that came out several years ago, something liek Trating PMS the Natural Way, or something. And it gave detailed ways of dealing with the various symptoms, It also examined why certan good cravings exist (sugar, salt, protein) and offered ways to deal with them (the foods craved are often the WORST thing you can eat at this time) and eliminate the cravings. Also advice on herbs, teas, nutrition and other thinsg that can be done (exercise, meditation) to alleviate symptoms...

my own cycle (period and PMS) has gotten a tad worse since going off the pill; heavier flow, a bit more emotional seesaw just before, but only for a day or so...
