The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4101933
Posted By: Stewie
11-Apr-21 - 10:27 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Mudcat Australia/NZ Songbook
This is a revisit to a song that I posted on 08 September last year from a CD by O'Leary and Hildebrand. I have since come across a YT clip of a version sung by Alan Musgrove that has 2 extra verses. His introductory remarks set the scene. Here is my transcription - corrections welcomed.


Last night I was driven near crazy
By one I both love and adore
Now she's packed up all her boxes
And I ain't gonna see her no more
I wrote her a hundred letters
Begging her to forget
But now she's found one she loves better
And this is the answer I get

Just wait till the push on the corner
Refuses to drink a long beer
Wait till the thieves and pickpockets
From the streets of Fitzroy disappear
Wait till the Collingwood lassies
From powder and paint they are free
When the Chinese are coppers on Bourke Street
My darling I'll come back to thee


So I went to her mother’s in Gore Street
To find out if she would come back
But she said she was down at the Napier
With a swell from Kew name of Jack
I went down and there I did find her
In the ladies’ lounge sipping her drink
I said, ‘Will you come back, my darling?’
She answered, ‘Well, what do you think?’


So I chased up a couple of bottles
To fill my poor heart with some cheer
I went back to my room in the Narrows
And drunk that foaming brown beer
Then later I went out a-walking
Up Gertrude Street I did stray
But as a tram rattled on by me
I thought I could hear people say


Youtube clip
