The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169646   Message #4102436
Posted By: Helen
16-Apr-21 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: adding oatmeal to bread
Subject: RE: BS: adding oatmeal to bread
leeneia, did you take a photo of your oat bread?

Raggytash, my other solution to the holes in the bottom of the bread from the paddles is to wait until the last (short, sudden and furious) bit of kneading has finished and then take the dough out, remove the paddles and put the dough back in for the final rise and baking.

Hubby usually bakes the dough in the oven. He bought a terracotta bread pan with a lid. It looks a bit like a bread loaf sized Romertopf. That works well.

Scottish oatcakes. I'm going to give them a go, I think. I have only had the store-bought oat biscuits which are dry and crunchy. Note: in Australia "biscuits" are usually dry and crunchy, but I think in the USA "biscuits" are more like what we call scones here, which are a non-yeast based doughy, yummy treat.

On the other hand,
ANZAC biscuits are soft and gooey and rolled oats are a key ingredient. The gooeyness comes from golden syrup. We're a week away from ANZAC Day so maybe I should make some this week.