The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31521   Message #410251
Posted By: Amergin
03-Mar-01 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: American National Anthem
Subject: RE: American National Anthem
Oh and Busbiter, in World War 1, we should not have gotten involved with that family squabble at all. The only reason we did was because the Bossmen wanted in. In WW2, our government wanted an incident to happen to justify our presence in that war. So they permitted Pearl Harbour.

Besides there have been many many very courageous souls on this side of the pond, just as in any other country. The ones that history can name are but a few: Mother Jones, Harriet Tubman, Frank Little, and Pete Seeger are just a few names....So that part is right.

Now about the free....I figure we are freer than some parts of the world and yes there are many cases in which we can gain more and those details have been in the process of being ironed out since the day Jefferson and friends signed the Declaration of Independance.

I suggest though that before you just go ahead and piss on somebody else's country, you should piss on your own.

Have a nice day.