The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169449   Message #4102518
Posted By: The Sandman
17-Apr-21 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: Any April Songs?
Subject: RE: Any April Songs?
Cyril Tawney introduced On One April Morning to the Folk RevivaL and passed the song on to Tony Rose and Lou Killen. Cyril told me this in person, he claimed he never sang it live , but some years ago a mudcat contributor mentioned that in fact he did sing it live at least once.
Cyril Tawney: I Will Give My Love
Cyril Tawney: I Will Give My Love (Argo ZFB 87)         

I Will Give My Love
Traditional love songs from South West England
Cyril Tawney (1930-2005)

Argo Records ZFB 87 (LP, UK, October 1973)

Recorded by John Rollo and Iain Churches;
Produced by Kevin Daly;
Cover: Brockley Combe, Somerset, by Peter Baker

Cyril Tawney: vocals, guitar;
Bob Stewart: dulcimer;
Dave Bland: concertina;
Doug Sherriff: melodeon
Side 1        Side 2

    'Twas on One April Morning (Devon) (Roud 1546) (2.47)
    My Rose in June (Dorset) (Roud 1202) (3.25)
    Searching for Lambs (Somerset) (Roud 576; Henry H548) (2.37)
    Must I Be Bound? (Dorset) (Roud 18829; Henry H218ab) (3.52)
    The False Bride (Somerset) (Roud 154; G/D 6:1198) (1.52)
    The Scornful Dame (Devon) (Roud 381; G/D 5:980) (2.27)
    Midsummer Carol (Devon) (Roud 6913) (4.17)


    The Queen of Hearts (Devon) (Roud 3195) (2.35)
    Nancy (Hampshire) (Roud 1646) (3.07)
    I Will Give My Love an Apple (Dorset) (Roud 330) (1.57)
    The Turtle Dove (Somerset) (Roud 422) (4.02)
    The Cuckoo (Devon) (Roud 413; G/D 6:1157; Henry H479) (2.25)
    One Night As I Lay on My Bed (Dorset) (Roud 672) (2.42)
    The Sweet Streams of Nancy (Cornwall) (Roud 688; Henry H520) (2.01)
    Farewell She (Dorset) (Roud 803; Henry H504) (2.12)

All songs trad. arr. Cyril Tawney