The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169699   Message #4102543
Posted By: Steve Gardham
17-Apr-21 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: ADD: New from Tom Lewis-Shanty for Singing
Subject: RE: ADD: New from Tom Lewis-Shanty for Singing
Sorry, Dave
I didn't spot you were the OP.

Firstly, calling it a 'shanty' which it is nothing like (along with The Wellerman) is misleading. Why not just call it a song about chanties?

I have hitherto thought of Tom as someone 'very knowledgeable on all things nautical', which is why the recording is somewhat surprising to me. The song itself reminds me certainly of the stuff put out by Gilbert and Sullivan, and the costumes in the recording rather make the whole thing tongue-in-cheek to say the least.

If that is what was intended then fair dos, but it won't do his credibility at Mystic Seaport much good.

I'd better add IMO hadn't I?