The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169736   Message #4103428
Posted By: GUEST,Lin
25-Apr-21 - 01:17 AM
Thread Name: ID trio at Drowsy Maggies, San Diego, CA
Subject: Drowsy Maggies, San Diego, CA
There was a coffeehouse in San Diego, California that I went to just once in the 1990's, when I was visiting friends who used to live in that city back then. I don't recall the exact year. Anyway, the night I was at this coffeehouse, there was a trio of two guys and one girl performing that night. They were a local folk trio and not anyone well known beyond that they played at local folk clubs in San Diego.
I did buy a cassette tape they were selling that night but my friends did not buy one.

Ok, this is the problem. I do not recall the name of the trio,(or any of their individual names either unfortunately), but they were very folky, not blues or bluegrass. The female had a beautiful folky, Joan Baez kind of voice.

I lost the tape years ago and have no way of trying to track it down. But as I mentioned, they were not well known and they all resided in the San Diego area.

I'm hoping that someone reading this who went to Drowsy Maggies regularly, might have some idea who they were.

Drowsy Maggies closed many years ago, back in the 1990's. I would love to find this tape again (probably self-produced), but I know it is a long shot as I don't have any further information or even the songs. It was probably a mixture of covers and maybe some originals mixed in.

If anyone can help with who this trio was, please post a reply. I'm sorry that I have such little information about this trio to provide.