The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4103511
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
25-Apr-21 - 09:58 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021

FB driving me to fury by not allowing me to "like" etc any primary posts. I have to type in a Comment ... MY mother used to say, "You can get used to anything, even hanging if you hang long enough!" This usually in response to father lightly telling her, "You'll get used to it." Not used to it yet.

Emptied an old bag of well seasoned manure on the 3 cherry trees - well chewed by something during the winter - to my dismay! They are less than two feet tall and the damage is above the snow line... I think they might have been taller before they were brunch!

Put the remainder of the manure on the small circle we planted last year - the old fire pit with bags of soil added. I managed to enlarge it to almost 6 feet Diameter and added egg shells on top of the manure. Will get some more soil tomorrow for on top of it. Plant sprouting potatoes around the edge to break up some more of the clay. And other things, undetermined, on the rest. Not sure what I am going to do with the many tomato plants - Maybe large pots.

I cannot dig this clay and do not feel like hiring someone, even if I can find someone! Squash can also go around the edge of the cicle and the front garden. Lettuce and carrots in the front G, and wax beans in the middle of the circle. Several varieties are sprouting and getting potted. Lots of parsley sprouted from last summers seeds.
Oregano and lavender are healthy. And the lovely patches of purple and white violets are beautiful. The purple ones have faded away. These guys need to be moved to better spots! Maybe around the peony and next to the clematis and young bleeding heart. The original Bleeding Heart consumes about a square yard of space!

Did roast pork with potatoes, carrots and one lone onion, made cauliflower soup and sauteed pears. With wax beans added, R had a nice B-day supper. But I forgot to make applesauce! And Wonder of wonders, he came home about 7:30 for it. Now he is entranced by his gift - a 40 year old book about copper mining in the NW territories. (From a thrift shop! It was $8!) He had another good day of getting a property cleared of tons (literally) of debris - rotten wood, concrete, trash from irresponsible public. He is elated! Each load that leaves is a load lifted from him.

No potting today, the gardening was primary - before it rained. The weeds/grass need to be cut. I dread it.