The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31521   Message #410410
Posted By: Irish sergeant
03-Mar-01 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: American National Anthem
Subject: RE: American National Anthem
Busbitter; The last part of your "handle" is telling. I'm of Scottish ancestry on my father's side and Irish on my mothers but that is neither here nor there I state that only so you'll know I'm no raving anti-brit or scot or what ever. Since we're on the subject of American foibles You make a valid case that we as a nation have done some terrible things. No American will deny that but let's look at the record of some of the things that were done by various other groups

-The Glencoe massacre. Ask the MacDonald clan who was responsible for that little social event.

-You state that we (America) was three years late entering WW1 and two years late entering WW2. No argument. World War one was a result of European posturing. America was drawn in by several factors. The European portion of World war Two was due to failure by the European victors to make a just peace with Germany, failure to stop Hitler when he went into the Saarland( Had France and the United Kingdom stood firm then, Hitler would have had to back down and his credibility ruined.) Ask Czechoslovakia who they feel is responsible for World War Two. Can we say Munich? Also, you state we were two years late joining Britain in fighting Hitler. I suggest you read up on your naval history and see how many American sailors died to ship provisions to the U.K. in official violation of the Neutrality Act to provide weaponry and food stuffs to the U.K. I might also mention the LaFayette Escadrille in World War One, The RAF Eagle Squadrons and the men who joined were not named such as George Harsh who soldiered behind the wire in Stalag Luft III after being shot down in His Majesty's service.

- No-one in this country (America) will deny we lost Vietnam. It was the wrong war, it should have never been fought. Even Douglas MacArthur agreed on that score.

-I'd be really interested on your opinion about the Falklands War. The Royal Navy used American ports to resupply.

I don't come to Mudcat to get ugly with people although apparently, you do. We sing the land of the free and the home of the brave because it is true. And yes, we don't always get it right. But read up on the Statuates of Killkenny or what the victor (Great Britain) imposed on Scotland after Culloden. Bravery doesn't always come from nobility and America doesn't own exclusive title to heinous acts. Remember it was Scottish nobles that sold William Wallace out to Edward Longshanks. The old adage from the Bible still holds true. Judge not lest you be judged.

Please do not take this as a personal attack on yourself. I don't know you. The fact is that you are probably a nice person. I felt I had to respond to you scurrilous and ignorant comments about my country. I will be more than glad to offer a hand of friendship to you and anyone else provided that they have an open mind. Kindest reguards and apologies for my rant, Neil