The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4104262
Posted By: Stewie
01-May-21 - 10:09 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Mudcat Australia/NZ Songbook

I left my home in Ireland ’twas many years ago
I left my home in Ireland where the pigs and praties grow
And since I left old Ireland, it’s always been my plan
To show these Aussie people I’m a decent Irish man

‘Hello Patsy Fagan’, you’ll hear the girls all cry
‘Hello Patsy Fagan, you’re the apple of me eye
You’re a decent man from Ireland, there’s no one can deny
You’re a harum scrarum devil-may-care-um decent Irish boy’

I’m working here in Aussie and I’ve got a decent job
Shovelling bricks and mortar and the pay is fifty bob
Oh, I wake up in the morning and I wake up with the lark
And as I’m walking down the street you can hear the girls remark


Now if there’s one among you who’d care to marry me
I’ll take you to my little home across the Irish sea
I’ll dress you up in satin and I’ll please you all I can
Just to let these Aussie people know I’m a decent Irish man


This is a version of an Irish song that was adopted in Australia.   The lyrics above are as printed in Bill Scott's 'The Second Penguin Australian Songbook'. It is a composite version of one published by the Sydney Bush Music Club in 'A Collector's Song Book' and one collected by Alan Scott. The stanzas are in a different order, but it is basically similar to the version in this YT clip linked below. Bill Scott also collected a 'Glasgow' version from a Cloncurry drover, Bert Stacey.

Youtube clip
