The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4104439
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
03-May-21 - 05:19 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Mudcat Australia/NZ Songbook
how could we miss this classic?????
Joy Durst

054 BOTANY BAY - trad, also in DT

1. Farewell to old England for ever,
Farewell to my rum culls as well,
Farewell to the well-known old Bailey,
Where I used for to cut such a swell.

Chorus: Singing Too-ral li-ooral-li ad-dity,
Singing Too-ral li-ooral-li -ay,
Singing Too-ral li-ooral-li ad-dity,
And we're bound for Botany Bay.

2. There's the Captain as is our Commander,
There's the bo'sun and all the ship's crew,
There's the first and second-class passengers,
Knows what we poor convicts go through!

3. 'Taint leaving old England we cares about,
'Taint 'cos we mis-spells what we knows,
But becos all we light-fingered gentry
Hops around with a log on our toes.

4. These seven long years I've been serving now,
And seven long more have to stay,
All for bashing a bloke down our alley
And taking his ticker away.

5. Oh, had I the wings of a turtle-dove!
I'd soar on my pinions so high,
Slap bang to the arms of my Polly love,
And in her sweet presence I'd die.

6. Now, all my young Dookies and Duchesses,
Take warning from what I've to say,
Mind all is your own as you toucheses,
Or you'll find us in Botany Bay.

dots here
wikipedia - Botany Bay (song)