The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168430   Message #4105131
Posted By: Steve Shaw
07-May-21 - 07:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
No-one is suggesting that, but it's perfectly possible to bemoan the fact that there is a severe deficit in political education which leads people to choose to vote against their own interests. 'Twas ever thus: in the 70s, when we suggested properly structured political education in schools we were shot down as extreme commie reds under the beds. Nothing suits the Tories better than an ignorant electorate. It makes many people prone to being impressed more by a fat idiot driving a JCB through a wall of polystyrene blocks, or riding a bike lustily in a faked photograph, than any consideration of the important issues of the day. They are prone to not minding too much a serial liar or fornicator either. Send out the gunboats and grab some votes! Political ignorance has delivered the world Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, Dubya, Donald Trump and our own resident clown. They are all far more of a threat to democracy than us lot here moaning about bad voter decision-making.