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Thread #168430   Message #4105266
Posted By: Backwoodsman
08-May-21 - 10:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Since you clearly don’t grasp a simple, but utterly undeniable fact, Steve, I’ll repeat it and keep repeating it until the stubborn, “I’m a teacher, nobody can tell me anything” part of you finally gets it - Party Members don’t elect governments, voters elect governments.

The voters rejected Corbyn’s version of Labour (for whatever reasons, and I believe there are many, including the public splits in the party), and they are currently rejecting, and will continue to reject for as long as the party displays the current level of disunity and disloyalty, Starmer’s version. And there isn’t a cat-in-hell’s chance that voters will elect a Labour government - the very thing the people of the U.K. desperately need to right the shameful wrongs of this past eleven years - unless Labour MPs, party workers, and party members stop publicly pissing, moaning, and working against their own party.

Members don’t ‘own’ the party, nor do party workers, ‘activists’, or even MPs. The party is owned by everyone who gives it their trust and votes Labour. And those who undermine the party because it’s not their personal ‘flavour’, or the ‘right kind’ of Labour, do it a grave disservice. More importantly, they do a grave disservice to those who need a Labour government the most.

So carry on, be my guest, but be prepared for Tory rule for a very long time to come.