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Thread #168430   Message #4105280
Posted By: Steve Shaw
08-May-21 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
(Ignoring the unnecessary nonsense in your first paragraph...)

600,000 people joined the party when Jeremy became leader. There is very little doubt that the overwhelming majority of those people were left-wing in sentiment. That should have at least given the party seniors the message that a change of direction was sorely needed. That a new enthusiasm was in the air. To them (including me), the old ways since the demise of Blair's New Labour were a failure. Corbyn represented something radically new. That message did not get across. Instead, and in spite of the hope provided by the 2017 result, the party bigwigs turned on him and killed off that message, a gift to the Tories and right-wing press. I'm sorry you can't see this. You appear to be saying that all principle should be ditched in order to ditch the Tories. We were saying that it was time for principle to regain its place. Maybe you've forgotten how principle, in tbe face of constant personal and sordid attackes, almost but not quite turned things round in 2017 in a very surprising way. Another message that didn't get across to the Yvette cabal. My view is that Jeremy, ultimately, might not have been the right person. But begod we've gone right back to New Labour-lite. And the long knives are still out for lefties in the party. And as you seem to be saying, there is no clear way out of this. It's a shambles, and the people in charge are people with the same sentiment as yours.