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Thread #168430   Message #4105621
Posted By: DMcG
11-May-21 - 03:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
As expected, it seems like Johnson will be bringing ending the Fixed Parliament Act into the Queens speech. Doing so was a manifesto commitment, so he is perfectly entitled to do that. Like many commentators I think he will call the election in 2023, though the back end of 2022 does not seem impossible. That gives Labour very little time to sort itself out, and a year of squabbles will play into Johnson's hands very nicely.

I go along with John Curtice. The only way out of this is to form an alliance of at least Labour, LibDem, Green and SNP. All stand in the next election under one banner of, let's say, "True Democracy". There would be only one candidate from TD in each constituency and there would be one item in their manifesto, namely introducing proportional representation then calling another election once that had been voted for. Thereafter, each revert to their normal parties or reorganise themselves as they see fit. I have ideas how to decide who stands for TD in each ward, and how Parliamentary jobs are allocated, but that is fine detail: it is the broad brush that matters.

I can't see it happening, myself!