The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168430   Message #4105730
Posted By: Steve Shaw
11-May-21 - 06:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
"The people walking into food banks to feed their kids, the ones struggling to find the rent, the people suffering on hospital waiting lists, etc., etc. don’t give a shit about about high-handed preaching by those who consider themselves politically and ideologically superior..."

"...unlike us comfortably-well-off ex-teachers, retired accountants, IT consultants, yadda yadda..."

For the first ten years of my life I lived in a slum infested with beetles, with no hot water tap and an outside toilet that froze up every winter. Latchkey kid. There was a flooded mine shaft five yards from my front door in which a four-year-old boy drowned while I lived there. My last primary school class had 48 kids in it. We were bloody hard up, and so what if I've done well to get myself out of that. My head has never been in the clouds about the rampant inequalities in our society and I've stood on picket lines in the freezing cold at six in the morning to support school cleaners, hospital workers and firemen. I have never not been a trade unionist. You call for party unity. That happened under Blair for a time. During that time the chasm between the rich and poor got ever wider. Go figure, huh?