The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168430   Message #4105781
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
12-May-21 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
PFR - back atcher - What do you think I have accused you of? Maybe if you "actually read what was clearly intended, rather than getting het up over what you thought I meant" you may have seen that it was the Tommy Robinson comment you made that is the contentious point.

So, where is Labour's present day equivalents of a John Prescott,
or even a lefty tommy robinson...???

Straight talking proud, defiant, charismatic, politicians...

Reads remarkably like the odious Robinson is a straight talking proud, defiant, charismatic polition.

When you later go on to say

a specific character type, irrespective of any political persuasion, who is a popular leader and figurehead for certain social demographics..

Which 'certain social demographics do you believe will be influenced by the likes of Tommy Robinson?

I must admit though that you made me laugh when you tried to take the piss of background story and then attempted to trump it with your link about Polish Jews. Is there a 4 Jews, story? Gas chambers? Bloody luxury... :-D