The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169807   Message #4105845
Posted By: RTim
12-May-21 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Edward / My Son David / Henry (Child #13)
Subject: RE: Origins: Edward / My Son David / Henry (Child #13)
I find it interesting that no one os mentioning (except Joe Offer in his Trad. Index post) the version I sing from the American singer Jean Ritchie...may be because she is American..? Here it is below:

Tim Radford

EDWARD. From Jean Ritchie. (Child 13)

How came that blood on your shirt sleeve?
Oh… dear love… tell me
Well it is the blood of the old grey mare
That plowed the fields for me, me me,
That plowed the fields for me.

It does look too pale for the old grey mare
That plowed the fields for thee, thee, thee,
That plowed the fields for thee.

How came that blood on your shirt sleeve?
Oh… dear love… tell me
Oh it is the blood of the old grey hound
That chased the fox for me, me me,
That chased the fox for me.

It does look too pale for the old grey hound
That chased the fox for thee, thee, thee,
That chased the fox for thee.        

How came that blood on your shirt sleeve?
Oh… dear love… tell me
Well it is the blood of my brother-in-law
That went away with me, me me,
That went away with me.

And what did you fall out about
Oh… dear love… tell me
About a little bit of bush
That soon would have made a tree, tree, tree
That soon would have made a tree.

And it’s what will you do now my love
Oh… dear love… tell me
I’ll set my foot on yonder ship
And I’ll sail across the sea, sea, sea
Sail across the sea.

And it’s when will you be back my love
Oh… dear love… tell me
When the moon sinks yonder in the sycamore tree
And that will never be, be, be
And that will never be.

She does miss a verse in this version.....Tim R.