The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169503   Message #4106107
Posted By: Steve Shaw
15-May-21 - 04:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: The other recipe thread is too long
Subject: RE: BS: The other recipe thread is too long
The meatballs with caramelised chutney that I mentioned a couple of days ago were a big success last night. I should have said that the amount of tomatoes I mentioned was for four people, not all eight! They are SO simple, just meat, the chutney and salt. No mucking about with onion, garlic, breadcrumbs, egg... The fewer ingredients, the less chance of messing up. By the way, Mrrzy, I formed them with gentle rolling in the palms, no squeezing, and not a single one fell to pieces in the sauce, and their texture was perfect.