The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169855   Message #4107059
Posted By: Dave Rado
22-May-21 - 04:36 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Trad. English tune for Little Musgrave?
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Trad. English tune for Little Musgrave?
Thanks all – fascinating discussion.

Chappell's Wikipedia bio is here. It doesn't mention that he ever lived in Edinburgh and he certainly seems to have spent most of his life in London and clearly thought of himself as a collator of English folk songs. He also clearly thought (based on his writing that "the tune is the usual traditional version") that that tune he published was considered to be traditional in England by 1855.

The fact that the same tune was published in 1827 by William Motherwell in Glasgow doesn't prove that it originated in Scotland or that Chappell got it from Motherwell. If it was traditional as Chappell claimed it was, then he wouldn't have had to get it from any written source.

I don't see why it couldn't have been considered to have been the traditional tune for the song in both England and Scotland by 1827. And if it was considered to be traditional in England by 1855 when Chappell published it, as he claimed it was, then it would almost certainly have been around since much earlier than 1827.

The fact that no one here has been able to find it in Bagford doesn't prove it's not there. Chappell said that it was, and not all of Bagford has survived and not all of what has survived appears to have been digitised. The only way to prove that the tune isn't in Bagford would be to find the words of the ballad in Bagford, and if there is no tune with the words then that would prove the tune isn't there. Until then, surely the jury is out?

Anyway it seems to me that: