The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169855 Message #4107072
Posted By: Steve Gardham
22-May-21 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Trad. English tune for Little Musgrave?
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Trad. English tune for Little Musgrave?
Look forward to hearing it, but I have to say Chappell's tune very much looks to have been copied from Motherwell note for note. I'm pretty certain what Chappell was referring to in Bagford was a version of the broadside sans music. That tune may well date back to earlier times, or it may be that Motherwell's informant simply put the ballad to another ballad tune. I'll be able to give a more informed opinion when I've heard your rendition. I don't sight read but I have a pretty good ear.