The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169870   Message #4107102
Posted By: JennieG
22-May-21 - 10:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who you calling elderly?
Subject: RE: BS: Who you calling elderly?
I once read that "old age is ten years older than your current age" it keeps getting pushed back.

Sounds good to me.

It does really piss me off, however, when someone on the news is described as "an elderly man/woman aged somewhere between 50 and 60" - age is usually mid-50s. Since when was mid-50s classed as "elderly"?

Sandra is right. Attitude is a big factor in age. When my mother was my current age she had one foot in the grave; the other followed less than 18 months later and in she slid. I hope not to follow suit.