The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168430   Message #4107613
Posted By: Backwoodsman
26-May-21 - 06:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
An nteresting opinion-piece from Attila The Stockbroker on his FB page this morning. His posts are ‘shareable’, but I’ve C&P’d because I’m not comfortable linking to FB, for fear of giving away others’ identities, but if you’re a FB-user, you can find ATS’s page via the search utility.

I have to say that I can find no fault with anything he says...

”Now I don’t trust Dominic Cummings further than I can throw him. Obviously.

But however you interpret his description of the Home Office as ‘terrifyingly shit’, his assertion that lockdown should have started in the first week of March, and his description of officials committed to ideas of herd immunity, this is a government which has presided over a national catastrophe on a scale which was manifestly avoidable.

And the fact that its approval ratings (in England only, that goes without saying) are at something approaching 50% speaks volumes about the utter servility of most of our media and the abject level of understanding vast swathes of people have about issues of, quite literally, life and death.

A lack of understanding celebrated by the Tories’ shameless, overprivileged charlatan cabal as ‘the British people are fed up with experts’ and ‘emotions are more important than facts’ - while calling us, ordinary people who take the trouble to think for ourselves, ‘an elite’.

Anti-intellectualism is and always has been the scourge of this country, never more so than now, and it has been weaponised by the Tories against us.

And by ‘us’ I’m not talking about these fabled ‘metropolitan liberals’. I’m talking about people like my best mate Steve, who grew up in an Essex newtown, left school at 16 and is one of the most intelligent, clear sighted people I have ever met. According to the Tories, he’s ‘elite’ too, as are millions of us like jinx

To not be part of ‘the Tories’ fake ‘left wing elite’ these days you have to be a cap-doffing forelock tugger grovelling to their real right wing one!

This is a government of contemptible charlatans who should be thrown out of office and, in many cases, put on trial.”