The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169870   Message #4108081
Posted By: Helen
29-May-21 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who you calling elderly?
Subject: RE: BS: Who you calling elderly?
I started a thread in January 1999 (when I was in my mid '40's) based on a comment I had made in a different thread which was named "Old Folkers":

Old Folkies' Home/Retirement Village

"Subject: RE: Old Folkers From: Helen Date: 01-Jan-99 - 06:09 PM On another note: A few years ago I had an idea (but no resources to carry it out) about setting up an Old Folkies Home/Retirement Village. I think that my own personal nightmare of growing old is the possibility that I'll be trapped in a regular old folk's home with bingo players and carpet bowlers, being wheeled in to a concert of singers singing way off key, and playing out of tune fiddles, playing "We'll Meet Again" or something from the turn of this century (rather than Stairway to Heaven or a bit of Metallica?), and being patted on the head by a well-meaning young-un who says "you'll love this music, dear" and being left there, incapable of wheeling myself away from the aural torture. It's be far better to set up an Old Folkies Home where the residents would sit around having sessions and Mudcat-type chats and *we* would be the ones going to other old folks homes to provide the music. Like one long folk festival for the rest of your life. What do you reckon?"

Link fixed. ---mudelf