The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169870   Message #4108199
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
30-May-21 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who you calling elderly?
Subject: RE: BS: Who you calling elderly?
Great story, Helen.

One about my mother.

My mother lived to 99. Her body was giving out, but her m,ind wsas still as clear as a bell. She'd lost her vision to the point where wh could no longer ead, but her dear friend Bess (who was in her her late 80's, would drop by every evening after visiting severak other friends of hers in the complex. Each night, Bess would read to her before Mom went to sleep. She often read a story from one of my books, which mom especially enjoyed. Mom's health was rapidly detgeriorated and she knew she didn't have long to live. Bess told mom that she wanted to be there when mom went home to glory, and mom promised she'd have someone call her if she knew she was near to passing.

When the time came and mom knew she was dying, she had the nurse call Bess so she could be there. When the nurse called, Bess didn't answer the phone. Mom was very upset and asked the nurse to find Bess. As it turned out, Bess was taking a shower. When they reached Bess, they told her mom wanted her to come immediately. Bess threw on some clothes and rushed to mom's room. Mom was holding on,keeping her promise to Bess. When mom saw Bess come in the room, she gave a weak smile and reached up one hand. When Bess took her hand and spoke to her, mom's hand slipped from Bess's and she went hoe to glory with a smile.

Mom was a woman of her word.