The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169870   Message #4108361
Posted By: Donuel
31-May-21 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who you calling elderly?
Subject: RE: BS: Who you calling elderly?
I remember less of my story and more that it was featured on an immortality research website. My memory always had word glitches in that my left brain doesn't remember what my right brain wrote.
Even memorizing scripts is the hardest task in my life.
I like writing stories and abstracts but the act of reading is too exhausting to enjoy. Weird huh.

Many dementia tests ask who is the President or involves spelling backwards or subtracting by seven from 100. I better start practicing now.

Many of you have heard of Ted Williams of the Red Sox. Today his head is still cryrogenicly frozen solid.