The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169870   Message #4108640
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
03-Jun-21 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who you calling elderly?
Subject: RE: BS: Who you calling elderly?
By the bye, Not being able to get up off your knees does not necessarily mean you are elderly, unless you believe you are. In my eyes, Elderly is a state of being.

Yesterday morning, I was lying in bed before getting up to start the day. I've been sobered (nothing to do with alchohol consumption or the lack thereof) by the amount of outside work I have to do. I've had two bouts of vertigo that lingered a couple of months each, and I feel like I live in a jungle. It's not that I can't do the work (I am blessed that I can get up and down on my knees.) I've just gotten so far behind. I started wondering how I can handle the work. The thought crossed my mind that at some point I may have to move out of my house because I can't keep up with the work.

"WAIT A MINUTE"!!!!, I said to myself, and stopped dead in my tracks. I was still lying in bed, so I wasn't in my "tracks." I still look into the future once in awhile and it looks unrealistically bleak. Besides, this is today, not ten years from now.

Getting old is a process of adjusting to the limitations of ageing, without losing your appreciation for life in the moment.

Later this morning, I had to take my car in for a fifty thousand mile checkup. Cars age, too, and nobody calls THEM elderly. I left my car at the dealers and got a ride home from a young man at the dealership. A woman who looked like she was at least in her sixties (A young chickie) rode in the car with us. The "car" was a gray SUV. It was the size of an elephant, and getting out was a challenge. The door jam was more than two feet off the road. I didn't have any trouble getting in, but when I got out, the floor inside the SUV was six inches below the door jam, and I had to duck my head to get out, while lifting my right leg six inches to get over the door jam, all while not knocking my hat off. :-) When the woman got off first, she swung her legs around and stepped out with ease. She was short and was not wearing a big straw hat. Does that mean I am elderly because I had more trouble getting out? Not on your life!
It's hard getting off an elephant when you are six feet tall and are adding another three inches, wearing a hat.

I ain't elderly yet!