The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9395   Message #4108839
Posted By: Jim Dixon
04-Jun-21 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Show Me the Way to Go Home
Subject: Lyr Add: SHOW ME THE WAY TO GO HOME (Jones & Hare)
My transcription from the Edison record at the Internet Archive:

As recorded by Billy Jones and Ernest Hare (The Happiness Boys) on Edison 51660-R, 1925.

1. When I’m happy, when I’m happy, singing all the while,
You* don’t need nobody then to show you* how to smile.
When I’ve been out on a spree, toddling down the street,
With this little melody everyone you* greet:

[Chorus 1] Show me the way to go home; I’m tired and I want to go to bed.
I had a little drink about an hour ago and it’s gone right to my head.
Wherever I may roam, on land or sea or foam,
You can always hear me singing’ this song: show me the way to go home.

2. Old King Cole was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he.
He called for his wine and he called for his pipe and he called for his fiddlers three.
When they’d had a high old time all the whole night through,
What was it that king Cole said and his fiddlers too?

[Chorus 2] Show me the way to go home; I’m tired and I want to go to bed.
Anyone at all can push a fountain pen, but a pencil must be lead.
I’ve tried to figure out, but can’t get through my dome.
Can a fellow bounce a codfish ball? Show me the way to go home.

[Patter omitted here]

3. Miss Fitzsimmon went in swimmin' early one summer morn.
She took a dip and she heard a rip and she knew her suit was torn.
She stayed till the change of tide took the water out,
And when no longer she could hide, she began to shout:

[Chorus 3] Show me the way to go home; I’m tired and I want to go to bed.
Say, if they print the papers up in black and white, how can the news be read?
I’ve tried to figure out, but can’t get through my dome
Why a hot dog has no pedigree. Show me the way to go home.

4. Jack McCann once took a man up in his aeroplane.
He looped the loop, then made a swoop and looped the loop again.
His friend paled and mopped his brow; then the flier cried:
"What else can I show you now?" And his friend replied:

[Chorus 4] Show me the way to go home; I’m tired and I want to go to bed.
In old Kentucky no one ever tasted cake; everything down there is bred.
I’ve tried to figure out, but can’t get through my dome:
Can a man make spongecake out of a sponge? Show me the way to go home.

[Patter omitted here.]

[Repeat Chorus 1.]

* * *
* The pronouns may seem odd because Jones and Hare sing alternate lines; one sings in the first person, the other in the second. They do this in many of their recordings.