The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169980   Message #4109777
Posted By: Helen
12-Jun-21 - 03:07 AM
Thread Name: What is 'folk' fiortura?
Subject: RE: What is 'folk' fiortura?
Hi Planetluvver. I have not heard that term, but I'm wondering if there was a reference to a particular song or songs and singer/s. What I'm thinking is that if you can find the songs sung by that person you might be able to listen to the way the song is performed and the fiortura reference might become clearer.

Also, I just did a Google search on Helen Creighton and there is a Helen Creighton Folklore Society

I think it is likely that someone at that society may know of some examples of songs and singers demonstrating the fiortura style.

There are also some pages on the website which may be useful, e.g.:

Commercial Recordings

Arrangements of Music