The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168430   Message #4110112
Posted By: SPB-Cooperator
14-Jun-21 - 08:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics
it is not so much the beaurocracy (for that read paying pointless fees to keep a leech in employment to carry out a pointless job), it is the hostile environment that assumes that somoni is going to break immigration law unless they can prove otherwise - ie guilty of intent to carry out a crime until proven innocent.

We already see cases on a daily basis where people who have arrived as part of the Windrush generation facing deportation 50-60 years later due to the the home office failing to keep proper records. We read cases of their children who came over as infants who have only known life in UK, were educated hear and worked to provide vital services and pay decades of taxes being threatened with being removed to another country with which they have no living family ties or emotional connection, and no guarantee of a secure life when they have been deported. We read cases of people from Europe already being turned away because they might not return within 90 days.

And you are asking me to believe this is a FAIR system, and people who intend to get married will be treated fairly? Do you really believe that people who are pursuing their dream of a long and happy relationship together will have no lasting damage when a mindless official whose own lives are pathetic effectively tells the couple that they are not entitled to get married?

Well this may be fine for racist garbage who see this as a means of having less foreigners' lowering their property values, but those of us have to bear the consequences of your xenophobia.

p.s. I have seen a lot of government information abut preparing for leaving the EU. Ridiculous posts dictating to businesses who they can and can't employ, and processes that line the pockets of more leeches for people who want to employ someone from the EU. For example, if I wanted to employ my partner as my pa for a few hour a week I would have to pay a leech to register as an employer, I would have to pay something like £180/hour for a 5-6-7 hour/week job, and it would be a face piece of **** who would make a decision of whether or not I would be allowed to employ her.

This all, collectively evidences that in the view of the government, those who fall in love with someone from outside the UK is a lower species of human being compared with someone who falls in love with a Broth person. Anyone who dares to suggest that this is not Naziism should read Miep Gies.