The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169915   Message #4110232
Posted By: The Sandman
15-Jun-21 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: folk song art song
Subject: RE: folk song art song
putting clips on here as i have done,of styles unrelated t0 peter pears, but connected to the roots of uk and irish trad music is imo important so that more people become aware of the stylistic roots.
that is being positive.
it has become evident to me that the uk folk revival is getting further from its roots,, it is also important to me that practising material to try and do it justice is important, no one is falling off stepladders,
   folk culture may continue but when it starts to bear little relation to its stylistic roots, is it still folk culture?, in peter pears case it is art music not folk culture.
to hear what you have collected being murdered by singers who either have no idea of style or have not practised, would that be acceptable in classical music. NO it would not, so why is it accptable for folk music, does not folk music deserve the same respect as classical music?