The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170041   Message #4111491
Posted By: Tattie Bogle
26-Jun-21 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: Any July Songs
Subject: RE: Any July Songs
The Rigs o' Rye: fine traditional song, which the late Charlie Strachan would sing in ANY month of the year! Surprised that it's not in the DT.
Some nice Scottish folk historical stuff in this clip, including Barbara Dickson singing the song at 3'46":
Rigs of Rye


RYE                                                Traditional
Twas in the month o sweet July
Afore the sun had pierced the sky
Twas in below yon rigs o rye
That I heard twa lovers talkin

The lad said, "Lass, I must away
I have nae langer time tae stay
But I've a word or two tae say
If ye've the time, love, tae tarry"

"Your faither o you he taks great care
Your mither ties up your golden hair
Your sister says ye will get nae share
If ye gang wi me, love, a stranger"

"Let my faither fret an my mither froun
My sister's words I do disown
Tho they were deid an below the ground
I wad gang wi ye, love, a stranger"

"O lassie, lassie, your fortune's smaa
Perhaps it will be nane at aa
You're no a match for me at aa
Gae lay ye your love on some ither"

The lassie's courage began tae fail
Her lips grew wan an her cheeks grew pale
Her tears cam tricklin doun like hail
Or a heavy shower in the simmer

An the laddie he bein o courage fine
He's taen her up an he's kissed her syne
Sayin, "Lassie, lassie, ye will be mine
I said it aa for tae try ye"

An the laddie he bein o courage bold
A lad scarcely nineteen years old
He's ranged the hills an the valleys owre
An he's taen his bonnie lassie wi him

An this couple thae are mairriet nou
An thae hae bairnies, ane or two
Thae live in Brechin the winter through
An in Montrose in the simmer

Thanks Tattie, more links here -

The Corries --- The Rigs O' Rye

The Rigs O Rye · The Tannahill Weavers

Robin Dransfield - The Rigs O' Rye

Mainly Norfolk Lyrics & Info
Vaughn Williams Memorial Library
Mudcat DT Lyrics     @displaysong.cfm?SongID=4965