The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31454   Message #411174
Posted By: GUEST,Fibula Mattock
05-Mar-01 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: PMS Horror Stories
Subject: RE: BS: PMS Horror Stories
I dread my PMT. I am normally an easy-going and cheerful person, but I morph into a monster. I've tried altering my diet at several times in several ways. No joy. I've tried Evening Primrose/Starflower oil. It alleviates the physical, but not the mental. I've tried the Pill (5 different types) - they made me worse. I take vitamin B and multivitamins and minerals everyday. No diffrence. Let me tell you, I wouldn't want to be in a poistion of responsibility when I have PMT. I am a mess: crying, depressed, irriatable and worst of all, violent. Emotional rollercoaster. 3 days a month, regularly, every month. I've been to the doctor. First one said "it's all in your mind - it doesn't exist" (well I'm not making it up). I tried various things, then went back. This doctor told me to keep a record, and I'm still doing so now. The worst is when I feel so completely fucked up and alone and despairing that I feel nothing in this life is worth it, and I want to hurt myself and others out of sheer frustration, and I tell myself "this is PMT" as I can recognise it now. But knowing what causes it doesn't alleviate it. And I only wish a bar of chocolate could fix the way I feel.
I haven't got it right now, thankfully, or this post would be 5 times as long and a hundred times more angry.