The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163410   Message #4112147
Posted By: Steve Shaw
02-Jul-21 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Football (not the U.S. kind)
Subject: RE: BS: Football (not the U.S. kind)
That was an exceptionally fine game between Italy and Belgium, a credit to the sport. I had no dog in the fight but I was on the edge of my settee all the way through. I fancy Italy to trounce Spain in the semis and would like to see England play Italy in the final. I live in England but Italy is my very favourite country. We'll get slaughtered, but Gareth will become Sir Gareth. I'm having two people round, of a gender not my own, to watch England play Ukraine on the telly (NOT a pushover...), neither of whom ever watch footie. It'll be spag bol then the footie. There will be wine and there will be an instruction that we do NOT chatter during the match....