The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31521   Message #411234
Posted By: Greg F.
05-Mar-01 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: American National Anthem
Subject: RE: American National Anthem
Well, Sarah, we'll just have to agree to disagree on this 'un. You must have studied a different version of history than I did- you wouldn't be a Texan by any chance, would you?  :-)  Think its safe to say that slavery was an "economic reason"-no? What's styled "propaganda" often depends on which side of the issue you find yourself .As an example, the "Phillipine Insurection" mentioned above was an effort by the Filipinos to repulse American invasion and colonization of the islands.

And please climb down from the the patronizing "Norte-Americanos" bit. I'm on your side, and that battle has already been fought several times in this forum.