The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31538   Message #411238
Posted By: Áine
05-Mar-01 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
Subject: RE: Wesley S, Isn't It Update Time?
Dear Wes,

It's so good to hear that you're able to laugh as you travel up and down life's road. Like my mama always said, "There's no trick to getting on in life -- you just keep putting one foot in front of the other." It's also great to hear that our little Mudbaby is being looked after by such a wonderful Grandma. No more mother-in-law jokes in your house from now on, huh? *BG* And of course Bretta is a fantastic, fabulous Mom -- she married you, didn't she? With such impecable taste, how could she be anything but fantastic and fabulous?

Once our move to the new house is complete, the babysitting offer still goes - just in case Grandma wants a break now and then - and the service will come pretty cheap, too -- I'll trade for you bringing your mandolin over and showing me a few things on it. How's that sound?

And to echo the wise Weezie, you are very loved here. That's what families are for, don't ya know.

Hugs and snogs to all there, Áine